Women who want to maintain a youthful appearance typically think about minimizing facial wrinkles or undoing sun damage to improve the quality of their skin. Few think about the ways their breasts can make them look older or less fit than they actually are. A breast lift or breast implants at our Boston-area plastic surgery …
Women considering breast augmentation in the Boston area often spend hours doing online research to prepare for their consultations. It's great to be informed, but I also encourage patients to have an open mind when it comes to choosing the size and type of implants for their procedures. I'll explain in this blog post why …
At Coastal Plastic Surgery on Boston’s beautiful South Shore, breast augmentation and/or a breast lift (mastopexy) are some of our most popular procedures. They can especially benefit mothers who have had significant changes in breast shape and size after pregnancy and breastfeeding. With size gain and loss, changes in breast tissue distribution, and loss of …