The answer is probably, yes. It seems that there are advertisements everywhere for ‘new’ or ‘quick-fix’ procedures that promise surgical results without any of the less popular side effects like discomfort, down-time, swelling, etc. Unfortunately this is often misleading and recent lawsuit settlements in New York and Florida offer a good example (see USA Today article).
Plastic surgery is fundamentally, surgery, and you will get what you ‘put into’ it. Incredible and long-lasting results are possible if you work with a well-trained, experienced, board-certified practitioner. At your consultation I can walk you through the type of options you would have available to you and whether surgery would give you the results you’re looking for. Call (781) 214-1439 or click to request a consultation with our plastic surgery practice in Boston. We are located south of Boston in beautiful Hingham, Massachusetts.
If It Seems Too Good To Be True, Is It?

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