More Than a Nose Job: The Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Smiling woman looking to the right, with a cheerful expression and soft lighting highlighting her face. (MODEL)

Even though rhinoplasty is usually associated with changing the nose’s shape or size to improve facial harmony, it also includes a range of benefits that extend far beyond aesthetics. If you have trouble breathing through your nose, for example, rhinoplasty can address both the nose’s appearance and function.

Before & After Rhinoplasty Case 3 View #2 View in Boston, MA
Rhinoplasty Before & After by Dr. Dax Gunther, Boston, MA
Before & After Rhinoplasty Case 3 View #1 View in Boston, MA
Rhinoplasty Before & After by Dr. Dax Gunther, Boston, MA
Before & After Rhinoplasty Case 22 View #5 View in Boston, MA
Rhinoplasty Before & After by Dr. Dax Gunther, Boston, MA
Before & After Rhinoplasty Case 22 View #4 View in Boston, MA
Rhinoplasty Before & After by Dr. Dax Gunther, Boston, MA
Before & After Rhinoplasty Case 1 View #2 View in Boston, MA
Rhinoplasty Before & After by Dr. Dax Gunther, Boston, MA
Before & After Rhinoplasty Case 1 View #1 View in Boston, MA
Rhinoplasty Before & After by Dr. Dax Gunther, Boston, MA

Rhinoplasty for a Deviated Septum

One of the most significant benefits of rhinoplasty is the ability to help people breathe more easily by correcting issues like a deviated septum. A deviated septum occurs when the wall separating the nasal passages is off-center. This condition affects approximately 80% of people to some degree.

Functional rhinoplasty, specifically a procedure called septoplasty, corrects this issue by straightening the septum. Patients often experience dramatically improved airflow through both nostrils, sometimes for the first time in their lives.

If you’ve struggled with nasal obstruction due to structural issues within the nose, functional rhinoplasty can address these problems. Improving the nose’s function can lead to several related benefits, including:

Better Sleep

Better breathing naturally leads to better sleep. Many rhinoplasty patients report improved sleep quality post-surgery. This is particularly true for those who previously suffered from snoring or sleep apnea due to nasal obstructions. If you snore, functional rhinoplasty can help by opening the nasal airways. It may even lessen the severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a condition that can lead to other medical issues.

Fewer Sinus Issues

If you suffer from chronic sinus problems, you know that the pain, pressure, and recurrent infections can be debilitating. Rhinoplasty, particularly when it involves correcting a deviated septum, significantly improves sinus drainage and reduces the frequency and severity of sinus-related issues.

Enhanced Exercise

Athletes and those who like strenuous exercise know that being unable to breathe easily through the nose affects their performance. Instead of relying on medications or other temporary solutions, rhinoplasty can permanently increase airflow, leading to more efficient breathing while working out. Read more about how septoplasty can improve fitness.

Improved Sense of Smell and Taste

Blocked nasal airways affect the senses of smell and taste. Rhinoplasty can enhance these sensory experiences by improving airflow through the nasal passages, leading to a more enjoyable experience and improving your quality of life.

Reduced Headaches

A deviated septum or blocked sinus passages create pressure, often leading to frequent headaches. Many patients say they get fewer headaches after undergoing functional rhinoplasty.

Confidence Boost

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures because it helps patients feel confident about how they look. Many patients are adolescents or young adults who feel awkward in social situations because of how their noses look. When they see their rhinoplasty results, they’re often overcome with emotion because they’re so happy. You can read more about teens getting rhinoplasty in an earlier blog post.

Choosing a Plastic Surgeon

Rhinoplasty is one of the most complex procedures performed by plastic surgeons, so it’s important to find a rhinoplasty specialist who performs the surgery often. If you’re considering rhinoplasty, you can request a consultation by using the online form or calling our Coastal Plastic Surgery office at (781) 740-7840 .

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